Runway 09-27 Upgrade Project
Mildura Airport Runway 09-27 Overlay and Extension Project will commence works in March 2017.
The project consists of an asphalt overlay, a runway extension on 09-27 and an additional aircraft parking bay. This project will improve the runway’s structural integrity and the airports capability for the future operation.
The Project is scheduled to commence on Sunday 4th of March 2017 and is expected to be completed by Tuesday 4th July 2017.
Mildura Airport will be CLOSED through the above period Monday to Saturday between 2030 and 0615.
As safety is a priority for Mildura Airport, during the project to ensure we continue with our high standard, the Airport will be monitored by 24/7 by a Work Safety Officer (WSO). The WSO is dedicated to ensure works related to the project are done in a manner that does not jeopardise the safety of airport operation.
For any emergencies, the WSO can be contacted on 0428 033 896 or 0428 680 991.
If you require further information on the project please contact Mildura Airport Administration.
We Thankyou for your patience and co-operation through this important project.
Mildura Airport Management
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