Visitor & Contractor Information
Individuals and businesses that have been contracted to work at Mildura Airport, either Landside or Airside, must sign in at the administration office.
Those needing access Airside must display a valid Aviation Security Identification Card (ASIC), or apply for a Visitor Identification Card (VIC) prior to commencement.
It is Airport policy that all contractors provide a JSA / SWMS on arrival and to wear high visibility clothing while on site.
A Visitor Identification Card (VIC) must be worn by visitors when they are in a secure zone at Mildura Airport.
If you are a frequent visitor to the airport, we recommend you apply for an Aviation Security Identification Card (ASIC).
If you do not hold a valid Aviation Security Identification Card (ASIC) you must register for a Visitor Identification Card (VIC) through your Airport Escort or contact Administration for more information.